NON-Invasive : The New Alternative

NON-Invasive : The New Alternative

Non-Invasive in medical terms can be defined as a procedure or a device that works without causing any break to the skin or internal body cavity. In recent years this practice has been implemented in various domains of healthcare procedures and devices.

Trypanophobia is an extreme fear that triggers people to be afraid of procedures or objects that involve hypodermic needles or injections. Hypodermic needles are hollow and are used to inject something into the body or collect from it, with being attached to an injection. Mainly we can observe such symptoms in children and as they pass along adulthood this fear goes away in most cases. To avoid such cases of phobia noninvasive procedures can be an asset to the healthcare discipline.

In recent years we can personalize our health data with portable hand-held devices. These devices can be categorized under noninvasive. They do not puncture our body tissue to give any diagnostic data instead they use a sensor that monitors our body vitals and movements.

A Stethoscope can be an example of using noninvasive technology, which can inspect the sound of the heart and lungs, called auscultation. Radiography, ultrasonography, echocardiography are a few advanced and efficient methods of noninvasive procedures.


There are a lot of companies that are now able to recognize non-invasive as a revolutionary parameter and are producing a large scale of products using this technology. Blood pressure monitors, monitors that can count steps, measure body vitals e.g., blood sugar, bilirubin, creatinine, and hemoglobin. These are customized to a person’s needs. The technology is portable and accessible to anyone in the time of need anywhere. This alternative is now setting benchmarks and expectations to a whole new level and becoming a part of preventive healthcare.