EzeRx Revolutionizing Maternal and Newborn Health by empowering MANSI Workers

EzeRx Revolutionizing Maternal and Newborn Health by empowering MANSI Workers


Child marriage remains a significant problem in India. According to UNICEF, at least 1.5 million girls under the age of 18 are married in India every year. Data indicates that 11% of the world’s teenage pregnancies occur in India, translating to roughly 16 million cases. Due to this issue, several women face malnutrition, leading to anemia, posing risks for both the baby and the expecting mother. According to the National Family Health Survey 5 (2019-21), 57% of women suffer from anemia, with 52.2% of pregnant women also experiencing the condition. Many of them are below the age of 18, as their bodies may not be suitable for carrying a healthy child. However, due to societal norms or lack of awareness about birth control, they become pregnant. Therefore, if a pregnant woman suffers from anemia, the child may also carry the disease. It can be inherited. Statistics show that 31.1% of adolescent boys and 59.1% of adolescent girls suffer from anemia. Underage marriage is one of the reasons for this. Although child marriage is illegal in India. But authorities often struggle to intervene as it is decided by the teen girl's family. 

In response to these challenges, the Government of India, the American India Foundation, and Tata Group collaborated to launch the Maternal and Newborn Survival Initiative (MANSI), benefiting pregnant mothers and newborns in rural areas. MANSI was later expanded from 167 pilot villages to 1,686 villages in Jharkhand and Odisha, covering 2.2 lakh households in 12 blocks across these states. ASHA workers play a crucial role as MANSI workers (or sahiyyas in Jharkhand), focusing on preventing infant mortality and empowering expecting mothers. 

Despite these efforts, India still accounts for the highest number of newborn and child deaths globally, with 700,000 of the 2.8 million deaths worldwide occurring in the country, according to CNN. The role of MANSI workers involves having dedicated areas, regular visits, and education initiatives in those areas. They work to delay pregnancies in underage brides, provide sex education, guide pregnant underage girls, and offer nutritional plans. MANSI workers conduct regular checkups on expecting mothers and continue caring for newborns until they become healthy adolescents. However, in this journey, MANSI workers face several challenges. 

Challenges Faced by MANSI Workers:  

MANSI workers primarily operate in remote regions where access to medical facilities is limited. Which eventually poses significant challenges for timely healthcare services and addressing health issues promptly. In the context of detecting malnutrition in mothers and children, the standard practice involves a hemoglobin test to identify anemia. However, this invasive method proves to be a considerable inconvenience for MANSI workers, given the nature of their demanding jobs. Moreover, the fear of needles and concerns about potential repercussions, especially among children and individuals in rural areas, further complicate the process of conducting necessary health assessments. Efforts to address these challenges and find alternative, non-invasive methods for health screenings in remote areas are crucial to ensuring the well-being of both MANSI workers and the communities they serve. 

How EzeRx is the solution: 

EzeRx is dedicated to supporting MANSI workers in every possible way, striving to simplify their lives. Our product, EzeCheck, stands as the world's first non-invasive hemoglobinometer. With this innovative device, MANSI workers can effortlessly assess anyone's hemoglobin levels. This is particularly crucial when dealing with children, who often face challenges with traditional testing methods involving pricking. EzeCheck allows MANSI workers to seamlessly screen hemoglobin levels in both children and their mothers, enabling early detection of anemia. This represents a significant milestone, facilitating preventive healthcare for both mothers and children and enabling prompt treatment at the initial stages of the disease. 


How does EzeCheck empower MANSI workers? 

Salma Mandly, the Ichagar block coordinator, said, "Currently, as MANSI workers, we have five objectives. We strive to prevent underage marriages, and if someone does marry early, we aim to delay their pregnancy. Our responsibilities include visiting children in their homes to ensure their well-being, preventing malnutrition, and empowering mothers. We are committed to adopting new processes and raising awareness about them. The utilization of EzeCheck for hemoglobin testing is one such innovative approach. The process is remarkably easy and fast, providing us with instant results. This is particularly beneficial for us. Children are usually apprehensive about traditional hemoglobin tests involving pricking, but EzeCheck has alleviated these fears. Now, they are willing to undergo hemoglobin tests for a positive change. Even our doctors are highly satisfied with this bloodless device, granting permission for its use swiftly due to the evident benefits it brings to both us and the community." 

More products to empower MANSI workers: 

After the success of EzeCheck, EzeRx is set to introduce a series of products tailored specifically for women. From the EzeRx lineup, we are about to unveil EzeDetect, which comprises two strip-like devices designed to test TSH and Vitamin D levels. Additionally, two devices will be dedicated to monitoring the pregnancy and ovulation processes. These groundbreaking products are poised to provide significant assistance to MANSI workers in their endeavors. 


In conclusion, the issue of child marriage and its associated health challenges, particularly anemia, in India underscores the critical importance of initiatives like MANSI. The collaborative efforts of the Government of India, the American India Foundation, and Tata Group, alongside innovative solutions like EzeRx's EzeCheck, signify strides towards addressing these pressing concerns. By empowering MANSI workers with advanced and non-invasive technologies, such as the world's first non-invasive hemoglobinometer, EzeCheck, and the upcoming EzeDetect series, the healthcare landscape in remote regions is undergoing positive transformation. These initiatives not only aid in early detection and preventive healthcare but also empower MANSI workers to make a lasting impact on the well-being of mothers and children in vulnerable communities. The journey towards improving maternal and child health in India continues, guided by collaborative efforts, innovative solutions, and a commitment to fostering positive change.